Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 11

The quick stats:

Days owning Vibram Fivefingers: 11
Total Distance Run in them to date: 13km
Longest Run in Fivefingers to date: 6km
Love/Hate? Love

This will be a short one...

I'm on holidays in rural Nova Scotia, with limited internet at best.  I put in a quick 6km in the Fivefingers yesterday afternoon - including some spectacular hills - they have good ones out here - and everything felt so good.  We're heading to the beach today, and I may try and do a bit of a beach run in them just for fun.  Long story shory - so far, so good.  They're making my shin-splint feel better, and I only ever notice it any more if I walk around in regular shoes/sandals while my Fivefingers are drying.  I may have to invest in a second pair...


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